Your GMAT Journey like never before!​

Join the new Live-Online-Interactive GMAT Classes exclusively with Sandeep Gupta, a perfect 800/800 on the GMAT

"Can I get a 760+ GMAT score? "​

If you are serious about a 99th percentile score (760-800 range) on the GMAT, you can't find a better course on the entire planet. I am very serious about your success and want a lot of seriousness from you towards the same. I want to change your life by making the dream of an Ivy-League MBA come true for you. But it can't happen without 200% sincerity and seriousness from your side.

Request for a Live Demo Now!

Do not miss watching the Belief Change Video. You will definitely believe that you can get a score of 760+ with our guidance.

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Hi, This is Sandeep Gupta, the foremost GMAT Trainer in Asia.

More than seven thousand of my students have got 99th percentile GMAT scores and thousands of my students have made it to Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, MIT-Sloan, Kellogg, Chicago-Booth, Columbia, LBS, INSEAD, and ISB.

The biggest strength of my teaching is that I am able to transfer my “Success-DNA” to my students. By using the same techniques that I used (OCTAVE, PRIME, ACT, ANT, ACED, LINGO), my students have been able to get similar successes on more than 20,000 occasions.

I would appreciate that you take a Three-step demo session with me to understand how I can help you with each of the subjects on the GMAT and to get a customised study plan.

Now, WILL YOU BE THE NEXT 99th percentiler?


GMAT Live Classes

GMAT Live Weekend Batch starting soon. Please get in touch to know more!

Book Your Appointment

What is covered?

  • Basic Concepts | Advanced Concepts | Concept Books
  • Absolutely unique copyrighted techniques: OCTAVE (RC), PRIME (SC), ACT (CR), ANT (CR) ACED (DS), LINGO (PS)
  • Pre-work Handouts … learn how to solve 760-800 level questions in less than 60 seconds … each question in these handouts is handpicked after a lot of research / deliberation
  • Follow-up exercises to the Pre-work handouts
  • Latest real-GMAT questions
  • Detailed solutions to all the questions discussed anywhere in the material
  • More than 5000 practice questions in all areas – to go from 70% raw accuracy to the level of 95-100% finesse
  • Test-taking strategies for a 99th percentile score
  • Personalized Mock Analysis / Mock Discussion Sessions
  • General counseling / Pep-talk sessions
  • Preliminary Consultation with our B-School Admissions Expert regarding the entire application / admission process to business schools
  • Guidance on exam readiness: when to book the date + last-minute exam tips
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Don't wait anymore! Call us even if you a slightest of a query on your GMAT preparation.


"I am committed to getting a 760 score for EACH ONE of you. No other institute in the entire world gives you such comprehensive 12-hour free DEMO in all the areas of the GMAT. I believe in my blood and bones that you get more value in my free sessions than the value you can get in the full programs (paid) of any other GMAT-Prep company in the entire world."


— Sandeep Gupta
800/800 on GMAT

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Sushmita Krishnamoorthy

I didn't have to refer to anything else at all. I didn't have to reach out to Sandeep or anyone else for any doubts because the course was self-sufficient.

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Rahul Gupta

Sandeep sets the benchmark so high that even after getting a 760, I was disappointed and felt that I had let him down

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Trishika Raman

When I first met Sandeep, he told me - if you get less than 760, you are a second-class citizen. This set the bar so high for me that I had to perform

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